immunological competence

  • 免疫能力
immunological competenceimmunological competence
  1. The prevention of HBV is comprehensive , which includes the patients isolation , the medical staffs self-protection , avoiding contact with pollutants , improving the immunological competence through vaccination , etc , then it can reduce the HBV occupational infection rate .


  2. Research For Immunological Competence of Avian Influenza Virus Antigen Component


  3. Termite Have Influence on Castrate Mice Especially Sex Function and Immunological Competence


  4. Living ability and immunological competence of ovariectomized mice were improved by estrogen replacement therapy .


  5. The effects of the olive cake on the health and immunological competence of Broilers


  6. Immunological competence of the body was heightened in group A , lowered in group B after treatment .


  7. The functional experiments showed that Armillaria mellea had the ability to adjust the nerve system and have obvious sedation effect . It also has the ability of anti-convulsant effective and can raise the immunological competence of mice .


  8. Objective To prepare chitosan-CpG-ODN gene carriers with the use of chitosan ( CS ) as the material to carry oligodeoxyribonucleotide ( ODN ) containing CpG sequences and to study their immunological competence in mice .
